When we passed the giraffes I had to break out the camera and get a panorama. Strangely the Giraffes had no idea of basic posing. As a result I pretty much just kept shooting frames trying to get the full body of the giraffe and also clean frames for a full sphere.
By the way. giraffes are VERY curious as long as you don't scare them, and they quickly stopped my shoot by tasting the lens... Don't ask HOW I know, but giraffe "yuk" is really sticky on a lens.
Once home I rendered everything in PT-gui and then started applying layer masks in Photoshop to pull out what worked. This panorama is a composite of 14 frames. All in all, this was the most fun panorama of the year, and for a wet day with pouring rain I would say it came out, and will always be a great memory.
While not the most technically challenging panorama of 2005, this was by far the best fun I have had photographing a VR panorama in 2005.
San Diego Wild Animal Park is HIGHLY recomended if you are in Southern California.