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The Original WWP

(March 20, 2004)

Janie Fitzgerald

Balboa Park, Cherry Blossom Trees. Equinox 2004

Robert C. Fisher

First planting of the Medicine Garden at Proyecto Jardin

East Los Angeles, California, USA

1PM Pacific time

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© 2004 Robert C. Fisher, All Rights Reserved.

This is the first planting of the medicine garden here at Proyecto Jardin, a community garden in East Los Angeles. The garden is located in a very urban neiborhood and leased from White Memorial Medical Center. Most community gardens are separate plots but this garden is shared by everyone. The garden also serves as an open air classroom for a nearby school. The celebration has it's roots in both native american and hispanic cultures and is celebrated each year on the Spring Equinox.
Fuji S2, Sigma 8mm, Bogen 3415 Pano Head

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